Be Not Cast Down

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Opening Prayer

Triune God, you live and reign forever, world without end.


Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God. -Psalms 43:5


Holy Spirit, kindle the flame of our faith. Grow us in Faithfulness. May we embrace and ever hold fast to the blessed hope of everlasting life.


Lord Jesus, we acknowledge our need, and the places where our souls are cast down.

We consider the turmoil within us, and ponder the limits of our strength.

For the times we’ve tried to rescue ourselves and found only failure and frustration, we thank you.

Even for the turmoil within us, we thank you, for it points us to the only hope that is secure.

We remember that you show your mercy and grace in our weakness.

We remember that you give grace to the humble.

We rally our hearts as we remember your salvation.

We consider how you have rescued and led us in the past.

We remember the testimony of those around us and those who have gone before us in faith, as they speak about your unchanging character.

Thank you that they share hope with us as we hear of your faithfulness.

We remember that our brokenness prepares the way for hope.

We look forward to praising you again, believing that we will see you move in our lives in the places that are now still broken.

We take heart in our struggle and weakness, knowing that hope in your salvation does not disappoint.

Closing Prayer

Behold we are the servants of the Lord. Let it be to us according to your word. May we rest in the peace that the darkness can never extinguish the light that has been given to us.

This article was updated on November 7, 2023

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