Fully God

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Opening Prayer

Lord, you humbled yourself to come among us in human flesh, and opened the way to salvation.


For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, 10 and you have been filled in him, who is the head of all rule and authority - Colossians 2:9-10


Holy Spirit, kindle the flame of our faith. Grow us in joy. By your gracious visitation, lighten the darkness of our hearts.


Thank you, God, that your nature was fully and completely shown to us here on earth when you gave us Jesus.

Thank you for the example and leadership you provided so that we could know how to pursue and follow you here on earth.

Give us a single-mindedness to follow your ways.

Give us wisdom to perceive the right path when so many different things pull for our attention and ask us to rank their value within our lives.

Be patient with us as we seek to see your fullness.

Thank you for your spirit that is faithful to guide us.

Closing Prayer

Behold we are the servants of the Lord. Let it be to us according to your word. May we rest in the peace that the darkness can never extinguish the light that has been given to us.