Holding Fast

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Opening Prayer

Triune God, you live and reign forever, world without end.


Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. -Hebrews 10:23


Holy Spirit, kindle the flame of our faith. Grow us in Faithfulness. May we embrace and ever hold fast to the blessed hope of everlasting life.


Faithful God, you are holy and your ways are sure.

May we be steadfast in you.

In a world of shifting, let us be a people who are grounded in much more than mere Earth.

Embolden us as people of the Spirit.

Unshaken by circumstances because we have the Peace which surpasses all understanding.

Increase our faith, our understanding of your ways, and let us be illuminated as Light by the fruits of your Spirit more each day.

Grow us in your word, in daily disciplines as followers of you, God.

Give us confidence, truthful reminders that we are moving from victory, a holy priesthood of believers, standing firm in our faith with all the saints.

Help us encourage one another.

Heal our relationships this season and help us bless others because we have received the greatest spiritual blessing as your chosen ones.

Church, let us live as sent.

Be strong, it’s not over — encourage and offer hope in our faith to one another because we have the sovereign one on our side.

God is a keeper of promises, He will never fail and hasn’t left us in our failure, he has given us HOPE, anchored & secured

Closing Prayer

Behold we are the servants of the Lord. Let it be to us according to your word. May we rest in the peace that the darkness can never extinguish the light that has been given to us.